mojeID for your bank
It enriches the bank's digital offer within the electronic banking system. The bank, acting as an identity provider within the myID service, allows its customers to confirm their identity remotely, thus providing them with quick access to a number of online services provided by commercial and public institutions. Users, who wish to take advantage of the offer of service providers, should log in to their electronic banking system and, as part of the identity verification process, they should each time agree to the transfer of the necessary data.
What is mojeID used for?
mojeID provides your online banking users with remote access to a wide range of Service Providers from the public and commercial sectors. The list of service providers has been growing steadily.
- All public services accessible via the National Node (login.gov.pl): patient.gov.pl, business.gov.pl, pracuj.gov.pl, ePUAP, etc.
- Trusted Profile - the ability to authenticate as part of setting up and using a Trusted Profile.
- Commercial sector services:
- telecommunications operators.
- insurance companies,
- medical service providers,
- entities offering financial services,
- other services in the energy, gambling, cultural, foundation and real estate sectors.
What will the bank gain?

With mojeID, the bank extends the range of digital services with electronic identification available in all sectors of the economy. The ability to use mojeID increases the digital competence of your bank's customers.

The Bank ensures the security of stored customer data and the mojeID service ensures secure transfer of the required data. By providing digital and convenient solutions, the Bank confirms its care for the customer and builds the customer's trust.

mojeID is an important element of the ecosystem of advanced and secure digital solutions. It is a solution compliant with the applicable regulations in the area of electronic identification.

Electronic identification with mojeID is another digital service offered by your bank, which increases the level of digitisation of society.
+1.1 miliion
Highest number of authentications per day
20 second
to confirm your identity via electronic banking
+ 511
mojeID available to customers of 11 commercial banks, over 500 cooperative banks and F. Stefczyk SKOK
Fully online
30 years
of KIR experience
Emblem "Teraz Polska 2021"
Digital Excellence Awards 2021