A Durable Medium for your company
Relationships with customers and partners require you to exchange correspondence constantly? And in turn, the applicable regulations say that documents such as contracts or rules and regulations should be stored and delivered in a way that guarantees their integrity and non-repudiation? You will comply with these duties efficiently with a Durable Medium. Inter alia, it provides assurance that the document in question existed at a specific time and that its content has never been modified. With a Durable Medium, you make all documents available online, reducing time and optimising costs. Ensure that your business is protected with blockchain technology.
Communicating with customers has never been easier.
How does the Durable Medium from the KIR work?
The company informs the customer of the published document in the preferred way, for example by e-mail or text message. By clicking on a link or entering a hash, the customer can view or download the document at his or her convenience and verify its authenticity completely online within seconds.
- Publication and provision of public documents: price lists, service regulations, product sheets
- Storage and delivery of private documents, e.g. order forms, contracts, annexes
- Receipt of acknowledgement of receipt of the document by the customer.
- Sending documents collectively to a specific group of recipients.
documents delivered online
1 second
the time taken to publish a document collectively
We were first in Poland
to implement blockchain technology in the banking system
30 years
of KIR experience
compliance with regulations on durable media and the GDPR
- award in the Digital Strategic Perspective category of the Digital Excellence Awards 2021
- IT@Bank 2018 award in the Product of the Year category